KBS Courseware Registration

Student Registration Form

Complete the form below to register your student for the KBS Courseware program of your choice. If you have additional students to register, please complete one registration form per student. Only secondary (grades 6-12) course curriculum is offered at this time. Students and parents will receive login credentials within 3-5 business days of completed registration payment. All students will receive a Kingsbridge Scholars email account. Parents will receive instructor access accounts to review their student's work and progress in the courseware.

Already have a MyKBS account? Log in here before completing the registration form.

Student Information
Please complete the following information for student registration.

Parent Information
Please complete the following parent information.

MyKBS Student Information System Account
New Users Only: Enter a username and password to create your MyKBS account. You can track registration, payment history, and other resources in MyKBS.

KBS Courseware Registration Next Steps

Student course selection forms will be available for students to enroll in courses upon completed registration payments. Within 3-5 business days of completed registration, students and parents will receive login credentials and access to a student orientation video. Parents will have access to monitor, assess, and adjust student courseware. PLEASE NOTE: This registration is for access to courseware curriculum ONLY. No live instruction, course customization, or teacher-graded support is offered for KBS Courseware All Access or KBS Courseware Core.