KBS Courseware Options

KBS Courseware All Access
The All Access courseware plan offers unlimited courses for grades 6-12. The All Access course catalog offers more than 400 middle and high school courses across the four core subjects of English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies as well as World Languages and Advanced Placement (AP) course options. All Access includes an extensive library of elective options in arts, business, STEM, and career and technical education courses. KBS Courseware plans are curriculum access only. No live lessons or teacher-graded support are available for KBS Courseware plans.
Payment Options
- All Access- Full Year: $300
12 months of unlimited access to courseware. - All Access- Semester: $165
6 months of unlimited access to courseware.

KBS Courseware Core Plan
The Core courseware plan for unlimited courseware access to the four core subjects of English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. This plan option is best for students who only need core course subjects. No elective or Advanced Placement course options are available in the Core plan. KBS Courseware plans are curriculum access only. No live lessons or teacher-graded support are available for KBS Courseware plans.
Payment Options
- Core- Full Year: $175
12 months of unlimited access to courseware. - Core- Semester: $95
6 months of unlimited access to courseware.

KBS Customized Courses
KBS Customized Courses are teacher-graded, structured courses with weekly live lessons and teacher support. Customized courses have a structured start and end date and are not self-paced. KBS Customized Courses are located in our Canvas Learning Management System.
Payment Options
- Standard and Honors Courses: $500 per course
Full-year middle or high school course with teacher-graded support and weekly live lessons. Quarterly payment options are available upon request. - Advanced Placement Courses: $650 per course
Full-year high school course with teacher-graded support and weekly live lessons. Kingsbridge Scholars is authorized by College Board to provide Advanced Placement courses. Quarterly payment options are available upon request.
Note: Students are responsible for AP exam registration separately.
Please note: Teacher-graded KBS Customized Course enrollment is now closed for new enrollments for the 2024-2025 school year.
For help with courseware registration, please email admin@kingsbridgescholars.org.